Every good adventure needs an even better playlist. Here´s mine for my adventures in Newfoundland.
13 great songs for 13 great days on the beautiful island
Day 1
Not exactly Shipping up to Boston, but flying out to Newfoundland. An Irish classic.
Day 2
The whitest guy in town gets fired up for a rugby game to Kanye´s Black Skinhead. Yes´by.
Day 3
Playing These Old Shoes and getting ready for an epic roadtrip to the Newfoundland Westcoast.
Day 4
First song of the trip. Not the last time that one was played though…
Day 5
Division Street. Driving through epic scenery of the Tablelands in Gros Morne National Park on the way to the trailheads.
Day 6
A night in a tent, noodles & tuna for breakfast. The Cave fits the wild atlantic coast that we´re looking upon.
Day 7
There´s lots of Malt Liquor in Newfoundland, that´s for sure.
Day 8
Drunk in Norris Point.
Day 9
Driving back from Gros Morne like a Zombie. Epic song.
Day 10
Last concert of The Tragically Hip. Finishing up with Ahead by a century.
Day 11
Hungover on a great fishing trip. But who would say no to Barrels of Rhum? Check out The Steady Swaggers, a great, crazy band from Montreal
Day 12
Another song constantly on repeat. If you ever try to Step to her…
Day 13
Perfect ending to a perfect trip, listening to a live band performing the inofficial Newfoundland anthem The Islander.